si dawson

experiments in self-improvement

Category: fun

Thar’s Gold In Them Thar Street

I saw this today:

Yep, a glorious rainbow! Well, that’s one end of it. But take a gander at the other end:

Have a look at that!! The end of the rainbow is in front of the building. This means, of course, that there’s a pot o’ gold somewhere in my street!


Amusingly, there’s already a giant hole in the ground right where this ends – they’re digging foundations for a new skyscraper.

.. or at least, that’s what they say. I reckon they’re just trying to beat me to the gold. Me gold! Me gold! Arrr! (etc)

So, since it’s a bit of a silly day, have this too (Captain Vegetable):


    C-Walk Extraordinaire

    This is simply jaw dropping (particularly after 2:30).

    Notice how he’s moving so fast the CCD in the camera is having trouble keeping up with him – so it looks like he’s dancing under a strobe, even though it’s bright daylight.


      War Games Cracks Me the Hell Up

      So I’m reading an interview on Wired with a bunch of the people behind the 1983 hit WarGames, and I stumble across what I think may be the funniest sub-interview ever to grace a sidebar.


      It’s with Ally Sheedy, the then 20 year old love interest of the movie (who set many a heart pattering in her day, I can tell you)

      Wired: So it wasn’t a love for microprocessors that drew you to this role.

      Sheedy: I couldn’t make heads or tails of the script. It was easy for me to do the part where she’s asking questions.

      Wired: What about now?

      Sheedy: To be honest, I haven’t seen the movie since it came out. It’s probably kind of quaint.

      Wired: Nowadays, cybercrime might outrank nuclear warfare as a source of collective anxiety. I sometimes feel really at sea with technology. I love email.

      Sheedy: All this communicating has created a world where no one’s accountable. And I have a 14-year-old daughter, so I worry.

      Wired: Wow. You have a 14-year-old daughter. That just set off a wave of cognitive dissonance among the hackers who’d like to hit on you … Do hackers hit on you?

      Sheedy: No, I don’t hear so much from hackers. No. No, no, no. I don’t. Thankfully. No.

      Wired: Just one no would’ve been fine.

      The rest of the Wired piece is actually kind of fascinating too. Those guys really did their research.

      ok, ok, one more funny quote, from the director (they had a stack of geeks on set the whole time)

      You could get all the hacker geekiness you wanted just by standing on the set. We were dealing with things like when Matthew sits at the computer, we’ve got an actor who can’t even type. I’d say, “No, I just really want him to type in ‘David’ and have him get on.” They said, “No! You can’t do that! You have to go through all these elaborate sequences!” I said, “No, we’re not doing that. Audiences will have left the theater by the time he logs into the computer one time.”


        Hoop Dreams

        Know how surfing the net can sometimes lead you in unexpected directions? Recently I did this:

        Went from twitter to Sushi Zume to hoop lovers, (the community), hoopinglife (the movie), and finally hoop revolution. After reading a lot & watching a few videos, like this:

        (shot in a Tokyo skyscraper, of all crazy places)

        I suddenly realised. Somehow, when my back was turned, old school “hula hooping” went from this:

        to just “hooping”, and this:

        (more here)

        I mean. Really. What the hell just happened? That’s…. HOT! (& insanely so.. although, of course, having a Van Der Graaf generator = extra points)


          Naked Bouldering – Can The Art Get Any Purer?

          Seriously, is there anything more beautiful than this?

          Pic (c) Dean Fidelman

          I’ve always loved bouldering for its simplicity. No ropes, no harnesses, no gear. Just you, your shoes, maybe a chalk bag.. and the rock. Never going high enough that a fall is likely to kill, but still adrenaline & lactic acid pumping hard enough that you can burn yourself out completely in half an hour (I know, I’ve done it on several occasions when there was only enough light for half an hour’s climbing *grin*).

          Turns out there’s a new craze, even purer, simpler, closer to nature. Climbing completely nude. California based climber & photographer Dean Fidelman (who took the photo above) has even released calendars of the climbing in action, called “Stone Nudes.”

          Climbing by itself is such an incredibly beautiful sport. Fluid, graceful motion, intense amounts of power, stunningly intricate technicalities & the pure harmonious blend of mind, body & spirit. To do it completely naked simply captures that beauty perfectly.

